Welcome toShelley Primary School
Welcome to Shelley Primary School. My name is Andrew Jolley and I have the genuine privilege of leading Shelley Primary School as interim head teacher for the current academic year 24-25. I would like to share the warmest of welcomes to our school community. Please take time to read the full welcome message by following the link at the base of the page.
If you are selecting a school for your child, we recognise it is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. You can be assured, we will do everything we can to help you make a confident decision. Shelley Primary is a school brimming with kindness, warmth and care. We very much look forward to meeting you and sharing our wonderful school community ethos with you in the near future - we are confident you will love what you see.
Our school vision, values and mission matter, we expect to fulfil these each and every day. They are the foundation for our thoughts, decisions and actions. They are the bedrock of our ethos and community. They ensure our dedicated team of Governors, professionals and volunteers act as one highly effective team in the best interests of each and every child and family.
Shelley Vision: Working together to become even better
Children (and adults!) can only ever journey from where they are at. Recognising "the journey of one thousand miles starts with the first step" Lao Tzu 600BCE and knowing getting better and improving in meaningful ways is almost always effortful and rarely has shortcuts - we expect to build confidence, perseverance, tenacity and resilience with all children so they are ready for challenges now and, critically, in readiness for their big dreams and futures.
Shelley Values: Aspiration Respect Togetherness - our ART of learning.
Shelley Mission: Secure, align and sustain the optimum school experience for ALL through conscious, deliberate and explicit attention to:
engagement, expectation, expertise, excellence, empathy, equity and environment.
As a result, ALL within our school community – will know more; remember more; apply more, and more widely, now and, critically, in the long term.
As a highly effective and expert team we will relentlessly reduce and remove barriers to accelerating progress, particularly for the most disadvantaged, maximising well being, personal development and attainment. As a result, each and every child thrives in our community culture, accumulating advantage, cultural capital and life opportunities.