Shelley Primary School

Humanities Curriculum Statement

Humanities Statement


History and geography are vital to our understanding of the world around us. At Shelley Primary school, the humanities subjects are a crucial part of the children’s learning and run through their learning journeys as a key link to other subjects. At Shelley, we want to build on the children’s own experience of the world around them as well as provide them with new experiences from which to draw. Humanities at Shelley will not only allow children to gain a strong historical and geographical knowledge but will enable them to learn new skills and develop these at every stage of their education. The skills children learn are age appropriate and build on previous learning.


• Children are taught through rich learning experiences that link to the national curriculum of their key stage.

• Children have the chance to learn in a range of ways including: field trips; use of primary and secondary sources; map work; and digital technology.

• Skills and knowledge are taught explicitly where necessary and then developed through practical application.

• Skills will include: forming contextual and chronological understanding; comparing and contrasting; carrying out investigations; carrying out methodical enquiries; and communicating findings.

• Learners who are not able to record findings in a written format are given opportunities to demonstrate their understanding.

• Children are taught about an environment that is relevant to them, expanding as they grow older.

• Learning journeys are planned across the school so that learning is not repeated without being built on and developed.

• Teachers are confident in planning engaging geography and history lessons that allow children to gain new knowledge and develop skills.


During their time at Shelley, the children will grow in understanding of the world around them, thinking about what and who has come before them as well as gaining a strong knowledge of not only their local area but of communities all over the world. Pupils will appreciate differences and how these make for a diverse and interesting world whilst also recognising the rights and responsibilities held by all of humankind. Children will value the role of geography and history in teaching us about the fragile nature of our environment and the importance of learning from our mistakes. Pupils will leave Shelley Primary school with a strong set of geography and history skills which they can go on to develop further; they will know how to read, understand and analyse geographical and historical content and how to draw conclusions from their findings.