E-Safety encompasses a number of areas and devices and if you are not familiar with technology this can seem daunting. Please remember that there is a lot of help out there for parents and carers - we have listed some useful resources below. If you have any specific concerns, please contact the school office and we will do our best to support you.
Please see below for the most recent advice published by West Sussex for parents and carers to encourage your children to have a safe summer online
Information Sheets
Report Content to the Internet Watch Foundation
Set up Facebook Privacy Controls
Set up Parental Controls on the XBox 360
How to set up Parental Controls on Android Phones
How to set up Parental Controls on iPhones
Parental Controls - Apple guided access
Information Commissioner's Office - Online Children's Code
10 tips to help keep your child safe online
Your child's screen time - Parent Guide
Information about apps
Keeping your child safe online
Netaware is a partnership between the NSPCC and O2, to provide parents and carers with information and advice regarding online issues, such as social media sites and gaming. It provides regular updates on any issues that may have recently arisen and affect young people online.
Please use the link below to access their site.
Click on the CEOP button below if you are worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online.
Websites for further research
UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS): www.education.gov.uk/ukccis
Child Expolitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP): www.ceop.police.uk
UK Safer Internet Centre: www.saferinternet.org.uk
Childnet International: www.childnet.com
SWGfL (South West Grid for Learning): www.swgfl.org.uk/onlinesafety
Parentzone: www.theparentzone.co.uk