Shelley Primary School


The school is currently in the process of developing play opportunities for its pupils.

Working in conjunction with the organisation OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) we are exploring ways in which children can have access to more engaging and creative playtimes which will in turn promote well-being and readiness to learn.

The school is at the start of its journey but has already made many enhancements to its play provision, for example, through children having access to vehicle tyres, soft play apparatus and various ‘loose parts.’ Loose parts are items everyday items that can be used for play (such as those pictured below). We are always on the look-out for more, so please let us know if you think that you might have anything that may be suitable.




You can find out more about OPAL through visiting their website and of course, do let us know if you have any time, energy or resources that you think would be helpful in our venture.