Shelley Primary School

Charity and Community Work

Our school is proud to have strong links with the local and wider global community. One of the main projects that we support is Kiva.

Kiva is a website that helps raise money for people in need. Kiva helps people around the world create opportunity for themselves and their communities. It can help them get food, clothes, crops and resources to help them achieve a goal e.g. business, education. They present their case (which we can view on the Kiva website) - for the money they want and then we and other people can donate to them. The money that we lend (give to the person/ people) gets returned after a period of time (loan period) or when they reach their goal.

Children from different schools in West Horsham came to Shelley last term to help us decide how to spend the money. Schools in West Horsham (including Shelley) have lent money through Kiva since December 2015. About $1500 has been invested in Kiva since we started. Our current credit is $1000 – most of which is tied up in outstanding loans.

To learn more about Kiva, please visit their website at Please see the presentation below, to learn more about how and who we have supported the Kiva project.

Kiva Presentation Kiva Presentation

 As a school we regularly support both local and national charities, through dress up days such as Comic Relief, and through collections at events such as our nativity plays for Chestnut Tree House, a local children's hospice. We raised over £550 in our Reindeer Run for our local Hospice, St Catherine's.

We have a 'Donation Station' at school in our main reception area, for donations of non-perishable items, that is collected monthly by Horsham Matters, our local foodbank. Our donations help local families that may be struggling to provide food for their families.