Shelley Primary School



The Governing Body of the school plays a key strategic role in the progress and development of the school, although the responsibility for the day to day running of the school is delegated to the Headteacher.  The governors' role encompasses three strategic core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

Shelley Primary School has a dedicated Governing Body which both supports and challenges the Headteacher and all staff.  Regular full Governing Body meetings ensure that governors are kept informed of the school's progress and take the key strategic decisions needed to continue the school's development.  Regular visits to the school, including 'learning walks' and discussions with key staff, enable governors to fulfill their quality assurance, monitoring role.

The Governing Body is made up of local authority, community, parent and staff governors, as shown below:

Governors 2024-25

Mrs Lindsey Burnell - Co-opted Governor, Chair of Governing Body

Mr Chris Alltraine - Parent Governor, Vice-Chair of Governing Body

Mrs Jody Morris-Jones - Local Authority Governor

Mrs Emma Gardiner - Co-opted Governor

Mr Andrew Jolley - Headteacher

Mrs Sarah Risby-Doran - Staff Governor

Mrs Pauline McVay - Clerk to Governing Body

By law, the Governing Body must publish on the school's website its register of interests.  This document is available to view by clicking the link below:

Governing Body attendance - 2023-24

Governors Impact Statement 2021-22

Access the Governors' Area

Headteacher's Report

Headteacher's Report Autumn 1

Headteacher's Report Spring 1

Headteacher's Report Summer 1