Shelley Primary School

Phonics Curriculum Statement


Phonics Curriculum Statement


At Shelley, we are passionate about ensuring that children become confident and enthusiastic readers and writers. Phonics teaching should give all children the tools to segment and blend words accurately. We aim for a smooth transition between year groups with clear steps in progression and familiar resources.


We follow the Song of Sounds programme from Foundation stage, through KS1 and into KS2 where appropriate. The programme applies a systematic and multisensory approach to the teaching and learning of phonics, with an accelerated pace of teaching. All children are taught as a whole class in four short 15 minute daily sessions, where new phonemes and letter names are introduced simultaneously and one longer weekly lesson during which children practice and consolidate phonemes taught through differentiated tasks.

Tracking and Assessment

All pupils are assessed using the song of sounds assessment checks. Pupils in Year 1 and those in Year 2 who have to retake the screening will take a mock screening test in December and March before completing the Phonics Screening Test in June. Regular monitoring of the assessment outcomes allows teachers to ensure that all children are making progress, including children in the most vulnerable groups. Early intervention will be put into place for children who are not making expected progress.


Children able to decode age appropriate texts and fluently read tricky words. Children making plausible attempts at spelling words and spelling tricky words correctly. Children enjoy their phonics lessons and are engaged.